If You Build it, Will They Come? How to Get More Recruiters to Look at Your LinkedIn Profile

August 17, 2015 in Career and Job Search Tips



You’re a LinkedIn All-Star.

You’ve spent countless hours pouring over your profile:

  • choosing a keyword-rich title
  • honing your summary
  • uploading project examples
  • garnering recommendations
  • joining groups
  • following influencers

You even added your volunteering experience.

Now that you’ve created an amazing Profile, you can just sit back, relax, and wait for the food & beverage jobs to pour in, right?

Maybe; maybe not.

The food & beverage job market is undeniably hot. But if you’re not on a recruiter’s LinkedIn radar, you may be missing out on great career opportunities.

And you don’t want that.

So once you’ve built your digital “field of dreams,” use these tips from Kinsa to grab recruiters’ attention. Get more views. And increase the amount of time prospective employers spend scanning your profile.

How to increase LinkedIn profile views and length of visit:

Add media.

The vast majority of us are “visual learners,” and we all process visual information much more quickly than we do text. Make your profile more visually appealing to grab recruiters by the eyeballs:

  • Review your resume for accomplishments or responsibilities that could be represented visually (put on your thinking cap to drum up some creative ideas).
  • Upload the slides to PowerPoint presentations you’ve made.
  • Add video clips of speeches you’ve given.
  • Link to blog posts you’ve written or positive press your company has received.

Once you decide what types of media you’d like to add, uploading it is pretty easy. Click on Profile/Edit, and then choose the appropriate type of media from the “Add Media” option in each section of your profile. When prompted, add a short title and description. When a recruiter browses your profile, he’ll see the thumbnails and titles. If he clicks on a thumbnail, he’ll see the full version of the media you uploaded along with your description.

Make regular updates.

As you take on new responsibilities and learn new skills, update your profile. Make sure that all of your job skills are listed, your job description is reflective of your work, and everything is current. Periodically garner new recommendations to keep the section fresh.

Change it up.

Crafting the ideal LinkedIn profile is an iterative process – you need to be willing to systematically test changes to see what gets attention. If you’re not getting views, or you’re getting views from the wrong types of recruiters, experiment with changing your title, keywords or even profile picture (change only one thing at a time, so you can track results).

Get noticed by Kinsa recruiters on LinkedIn.

Looking for your next professional or executive food & beverage position? Connect with us on LinkedIn or give us a call:

Mary Chambers, Senior Executive Recruiter (414) 367-5502
Karen Engelmann, Account Manager / Senior Executive Recruiter (414) 367-5511
Nancy Furgason, Senior Executive Recruiter (414) 367-5512
Laurie Hyllberg, Vice President (414) 367-5505
Shelly Jackson, Sales & Marketing Assistant (414) 367-5501
Laleh Lomonaco, Recruiting & Research Assistant (414) 367-5508
Rob Navarro, Senior Executive Recruiter (414) 367-5509
Dave Rothe, Account Manager / Senior Executive Recruiter (414) 367-5514
Joe Sommerfeldt, Account Manager / Senior Executive Recruiter (414) 367-5515
Lisa Powers, Senior Executive Recruiter (414) 367-5503