2019 Food & Beverage Career Planning: Succeed by Understanding Workplace Realities
Will 2019 be your year for a raise, promotion or a new job?
It depends on what road you take.
Yes, the food & beverage job market is hot right now, but the employment landscape is evolving rapidly. To keep your career on track during the year ahead, use these tips from our food & beverage recruiters to navigate the realities of the modern workplace:
Embrace change.
Food & beverage professionals typically see the biggest income gains when they change employers, and the average person changes jobs 12 times in their career. Though it may seem scary, your long-term financial success depends on your willingness to change food & beverage organizations and even relocate. As you plot your career, keep an open mind about where, for whom and in what capacity you’re willing to work. Flexibility and adaptability are essential qualities for career success in today’s world of work.
Build your personal brand.
In today’s digital employment market, a compelling personal brand is essential to landing the job you want. In this earlier post, we review the elements of a personal branding statement and share tips for creating yours.
Take ownership of your career success.
While leading food & beverage employers are committed to keeping their employees engaged and performing at high levels, they are also focused on their bottom line. It’s harsh, but true: Organizations don’t care about you; they care about the value you create. If you want to move ahead in your career, put yourself in the driver’s seat. Don’t wait for your boss to pair you with a mentor, hand you a promotion or plot your next strategic career move – make it happen yourself.
Consider the gig economy.
While traditional, full-time jobs in the food & beverage industry haven’t gone by the wayside just yet, contractors, consultants and gig workers are playing larger roles with each passing year. While nontraditional work arrangements have less stability in the traditional sense, potential upsides include:
- greater freedom and schedule control;
- being paid based on work you accomplish – not hours logged;
- higher income potential (consultants, in particular, may command higher fees than direct employees);
- creating multiple streams of income (which may offset lower job stability).
Educate yourself about the fundamentals of the gig economy to evaluate whether these opportunities hold potential for you.
Plotting your course for career success in the New Year – and beyond?
Make Kinsa Group your partner. Since 1985, our discipline-specific recruiters have helped food & beverage executives and professionals like you find their ideal career opportunity. Learn more about the roles we place here: