Pro Tips for Emailing Your Kinsa Executive Recruiter
Kinsa Group’s team of executive recruiters spend their days communicating with professionals in the food and beverage industry. It is very rewarding to make the right match and assist our job candidates in finding the best employer for the next step in their food industry career.
But we know it can also be frustrating at times for both you as a job candidate and our recruiters.
Here are some suggestions to ensure your communication, at least your email, floats to the top.
- Make sure you identify yourself in your message to a recruiter whether in email or in voicemail. Oh, and “-GB” isn’t enough.
- Reference the specific job you have an interest in. We often receive “I am interested in your open Sales job” type messages. It’s much better if you include the title, location, and when possible the job reference ID#, because we may have a dozen or more open Sales jobs.
- Attach your updated resume. We like to know who we are talking to. It helps us make the same connection to the job that you did. So if you haven’t sent us your resume in the last 3 months, attach it to your email and we’ll add it to your confidential Kinsa profile.
- Be clear in your response. When we reach out to a professional in our network about a job opportunity, it’s a little baffling to get a response like “OK.” We don’t want to harass you, so let us know specifically if you’re interested in hearing more about the job for yourself or for a friend, or if the timing isn’t right you can just say, “Thanks, but not right now.”
- If there is anything critical we should know, such as “I can only work remotely,” “I need work visa sponsorship,” or “I moved to Los Angeles since we last talked,” please keep us updated and we’ll add it to your Kinsa profile.
- Be consistent and fastidious about the email address you use. Communicating from multiple email accounts can confuse any ATS (applicant tracking system) and therefore the recruiter you are communicating with.
We are grateful to the food and beverage professionals that we network with.
We appreciate the opportunity to connect with you and your referrals. We strive for continuous improvement in doing that! Any feedback is welcome – Better yet, connect with us on LinkedIn.
Follow Kinsa Group on LinkedInKinsa Group’s food industry recruiters and our broad network of food industry executives are always looking for top talent and we’d like to help you find the best opportunity to match your skills. Submit your resume today to secure your future.
This blog was written by George Blomgren, Kinsa Group Recruiting Manager. Connect with him on LinkedIn.