Signs a Great Employee is Ready to Quit
Wouldn’t it be great if employees who were disgruntled, disengaged or actively seeking a new job would be completely honest – and just tell you they’re getting ready to quit?
For poor performers, you’d probably welcome their speedy departure. But for those exceptionally talented food & beverage professionals? Well, at least you’d have a fighting chance to keep them on your team.
The truth is, employees won’t announce that they’re starting a job search – but if you pay close attention, you may see subtle changes in their behavior that give them away. Here are a few telltale signs that one of your talented employees may be on the job hunt:
1. They lose interest in long-term projects and conversations.
Have you noticed that an otherwise committed employee has: begun daydreaming in planning meetings; lost interest in annual performance bonuses; or taken their eye off your company’s long-term performance? These behaviors could be innocuous, but they could also signal that your employee already has one foot out the door.
2. They isolate themselves socially and professionally.
Sudden decreases in engagement – things like skipping company parties or not volunteering for interdepartmental projects – typically indicate that something has changed in your employee’s world. If there’s not an obvious explanation as to why your talented food & beverage professional has withdrawn from your team, take note.
3. They experience a major life change.
In and of themselves, major changes in circumstances like divorce, illness, marriage, pregnancy, or death of a loved one are not necessarily cause for alarm. But if you notice any of the above behaviors in conjunction with a major life change, that employee could be at high risk of leaving you.
Keep High-Risk Professionals in the Fold
If you notice one or more of these signs that a great employee is ready to quit, go on the offense:
- Have a private, candid conversation about what you’ve noticed. If you’re off-base, your employee can dispel your concerns. Then, you can move the conversation to ensuring their long-term growth and success with your organization.
- Otherwise, if your employee admits to being disengaged, feeling unchallenged, or looking elsewhere for opportunities, develop a personalized retention plan to re-recruit them. Together, identify ways you can increase your employee’s job satisfaction and career prospects – so that they’re once again excited about their work.
Lower Turnover Starts with Hiring Top Talent
At Kinsa Group, with over 35 years in this business and over 1,150 exceptional employees placed in the last two decades alone, we know how to recruit for longevity. Hire the best food and beverage executive talent today. Get started below.
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